I recently started my twin daughters - who are 21 months old - in Tiny Twisters gymnastics classes through the City of Newport Beach Recreation Department.

As an introduction to gymnastics for young kids, Tiny Twisters has been so much fun and I can't recommend it enough!

The Tiny Twisters gymnastics program offers a variety of days and times and has several locations in communities like Newport Coast and Corona del Mar - just a short distance from surrounding Irvine, Laguna Beach, and Crystal Cove.

You can find specific details and availability for Tiny Twisters classes here.

Locations for Tiny Twisters gymnastics classes include:

  • Community Youth Center at Howald Park, Corona del Mar
  • 16th Street Recreation Center in Newport Beach
  • Newport Coast Community Center at the corner of Joaquin Hills Rd. and Newport Coast Dr., Newport Cast
  • Marina Park on Balboa Peninsula, Newport Beach

The classes take place in a gym and have such a perfect structure for kids this age. Classes typically alternate back and forth from free play (imagine a bunch of pre-toddlers in hog heaven running around on mats, trampolines and going down slides) to circle time, where we sing songs and learn a new gymnastics skill which the kids then get to practice.

At Tiny Twisters, kids learn:

  • Safe spotting
  • Age-appropriate tumbling
  • Balance beams
  • Gymnastic positions

The kids get to play in, on, and around, a collection of safe beams, tunnels, trampolines, and bars.

Tiny Twisters gymnastics is a great way to combine socialization with listening skills and fun, active play!

Thinking about living somewhere around Newport Beach, CA? Contact Jacqueline Thompson today.

Posted by Jacqueline Thompson on
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