NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Surterre Properties – a leading, full-service real estate firm in Southern California – recently announced that it recorded a company record $376 million in residential real estate sales volume for January 1, 2012 through March 31, 2012. Surterre also reported the company has seen a 70 percent increase in escrow openings in Q1 of 2012 ($544 million) vs. Q1 of 2011 ($321 million).

“I think it’s remarkable what our company has been able to accomplish since we opened our doors in 2006, especially in such a challenging real estate market,” said Gary Legrand, president and CEO of Surterre Properties. “I thank and congratulate all the talented professionals at Surterre Properties who have truly embraced our unique team-work environment. Without their hard work and dedication to each other, we would not have been able to reach this outstanding company milestone in such a short time.”

According to the company, Surterre’s sales in Q1 of 2012 spanned from the desert to the coast, from Los Angeles to San Diego. Representing a nearly equal number of buyers and sellers, sales ranged from entry level homes to ultra luxury estates. The company attributes its 2012 success to a unique teamwork orientation, outstanding personalized client services, an award-winning in-house design and advertising studio and the latest advances in industry technology, including an International Internet Marketing Program and a GPS-based mobile marketing program launched in 2011.

Surterre Properties is a leading, full-service real estate firm with offices in Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach, Covenant Hills, Monarch Beach and San Clemente. A unique company-wide focus on perfecting the art of outstanding personalized service, an award-winning in-house design and advertising studio, the latest advances in industry technology and a commitment to conducting business in an eco-friendly, community-conscious fashion are only a handful of characteristics that place Surterre in a class above its competitors.

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Surterre房地产公司是一个领头的,有着周全服务的南加州房地产公司。Surterre房地产公司最近宣布了从2012年一月到2012年三月,三个月的房产交易数量和金额,Surterre房地产公司三个销售额就高达三亿六千七百万美金。Surterre公司还公布了比较2011年第一季度(三亿两千一百万美金),2012年第一季度(五亿四千四百万美金)高达百分之七十的契约增长。

Surterre房地产公司的总裁兼首席执行长官Gary Legrand说道:“从我们2006年创立以来,在这样一个具有竞争力的房地产市场中,我为我们所做到的这些成就感到骄傲。我感谢也非常欣赏所有在Surterre公司工作的专业的员工们,是他们使得我们公司团队合作的精神得到展现。没有他们的辛勤工作和对于工作的投入,我们不可能在这么短时间内就有如此大的成就。”


Surterre房地产公司是一家享有盛誉,服务完善的房地产公司。它在Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach, Covenant Hills, Monarch Beach和San Clemente等地都有办公室。Surterre有着自己独到的一面,公司认为打造完善的人性化的周全服务是最重要的事情,除此之外,高科技的运用,以及对于生意诚信的态度和员工们的团队合作都使得Surterre房产公司远远超越了它的竞争者们。

Posted by Jacqueline Thompson on
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