NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Two of Surterre’s foremost luxury real estate experts are celebrating an incredible success for their clients.

Chris Valli and Jacqueline Thompson — widely renowned authorities when it comes to the complex and competitive niche marketplace that comprises coastal Orange County — came together to close the sale on 21 Boulder View, a gorgeous French Provencal Manor house located in Irvine’s highly exclusive Shady Canyon®. Offering a gracious living experience defined by quality and attention to detail, the property was on the market at just over $7 million.

Spanning three levels and encompassing five bedrooms along with eight bathrooms, a formal dining room with seating for twelve, a main home guest suite and a separate casita, the estate showcases panoramic canyon and golf course views. Complete with an outdoor kitchen/barbeque area, a pool with limestone troughs and genuine antique limestone wood-burning fireplaces, it promises endless possibilities when it comes to entertaining guests. And its understated elegance places it among the most exquisite homes behind Shady Canyon’s coveted gates.

Listed for sale by Chris Valli, who since Shady Canyon’s infancy has made a name for himself as one of the community’s most trusted real estate professionals, it was introduced to its buyer by Jacqueline Thompson, who herself is intimately familiar with the luxury enclave’s unique marketplace, having facilitated the sale of countless properties there, in addition to completing nearly $250 million in sales throughout coastal Orange County since 2008.

According to Surterre’s President and CEO Gary Legrand, this particular transaction is yet another testament to the unique business model that sets Surterre apart from its competitors. “At Surterre, all agents are encouraged to work with one another in each of their endeavors,” Gary explained. “This team-oriented environment takes our business beyond simply maximizing opportunity for clients — it ensures the utmost in outstanding service, which, as far as we’re concerned, is the ultimate goal in all that we do.”

With resources and amenities not available at any other real estate firm in the area —an award-winning in-house advertising studio and the latest advances in industry technology, to name a few — Surterre supports its agents in a way no other organization can. And, having been designed from the ground up with the luxury transaction in mind, all its efforts are geared toward exceeding the expectations of even the most seasoned homebuyers and sellers. The end result? A real estate firm where top-tier professionals like Chris Valli and Jacqueline Thompson can confidently assure their clients a superior experience at every turn.

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Surterre公司两个最顶尖的豪华房地产经纪正在为他们的顾客们庆祝他们巨大的成功。Chris Valli 和 Jacqueline Thompson – 这两位知名的房地产经纪人以他们在复杂和强竞争力的房地产市场的权威和能力而闻名。

Chris Valli和Jacqueline Thompson一起合作成功地完成了21 Boulder View的销售任务,21 Boulder是一个坐落在Irvine,Shady Canyon社区有着法国普罗旺斯庄园风格的豪华房产。生活在这里,会为您带来一种优雅并且高品质的生活体验,房产在市场上的价格高达7百万美金以上。


Chris Valli把这套难得一见的豪华房产放到市场上出售,Chris Valli从Shay Canyon社区建立的初期就一直负责社区的房产买卖,可以说Chris Valli是Shay Canyon社区最值得信任的房地产专家之一。在Chris Valli之后,Jacqueline主要负责房产的推广,把它介绍给顾客们。Jacqueline Thompson对豪华房地产市场非常的熟悉,并且对与其相关的各种领域都十分的了解。她曾经买卖过Shady Canyon社区数不清多少的豪华房产,并且从2008年到现在,共完成了橘子郡海滨房产高达2亿5千万美金的成交额。

根据Surterre房产公司的主席兼首席执行长官Gary Legrand描述, 这个交易的过程再一次证明了Surterre房产公司与其他公司的不同之处。Gary Legrand曾说过:“在Surterre房产公司,我们鼓励所有的房产经纪之间相互合作,相互进步,在Surterre房产公司,我们非常注重团队精神,因为我们认为这样不仅可以为顾客们提供更多的机会和选择,而且还保证我们可以为顾客们提供最高质量和全面的服务。Surterre房产公司有着其他公司都不具备的资源和设备,这其中包括:一个获奖的室内广告工作室,最新进的高科技,换句话说,Surterre公司为所有的房产经纪提供了其他公司所做不到的支持以及帮助。

除此之外,这套房产的打造围绕着简单并且奢华的住房理念,可以说完全达到了并且超越的买家和卖家的期望。这所有的一切带来的结果就是:有着象Chris Valli和Jacqueline Thompson这样优秀房产经纪的Surterre房产公司可以保证为每一个顾客都提供最优质的服务质量以及最愉快的住房体验。

Posted by Jacqueline Thompson on
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