Cold and Flu season is upon us and it’s hitting all parts of Orange County with a force.

Here are some of my favorite natural herbs and products for boosting the immune system and fighting infections:

  1. Oil of Oregano - My number one go-to is oil of oregano. This herb is a powerhouse. It fights infection and has powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
  2. Probiotics - Probiotics are known to promote a healthy digestive tract and immune system
  3. Raw Garlic - Another favorite, but not so pleasant. Raw garlic contains natural antibiotics.
  4. Vitamins D3 and C - Two essential vitamins for fighting illness.
  5. Ginger, Lemon, and Honey Tea - Making this brew at home is a great way to get the vital nutrients you need to stay healthy, and it tastes great!

All of these products and ingredients can be purchased at the Whole Foods location in Fashion Island near Newport Beach, as well as Laguna Beach, and Irvine locations.

Posted by Jacqueline Thompson on
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